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Beautydetailed’s Purpose

img_0673Hello hello! I am a 31 yr old Philadelphia Suburb native, willing to share my extensive experience on skincare, makeup, hair and aesthetics to anyone who wants to hear. I will review products, share photos, include offers and deals, where I shop and my experience with aesthetic/cosmetic procedures. As you may be wondering, my knowledge comes from personal experience, i.e. experimenting, making mistakes, and spending a little too much time and money on the topics, however (arguably) this therapeutic hobby evokes a creative side that I otherwise do not see in myself. I hope I am able to inspire and bring knowledge to those looking for a new serum, or wanting to compare cheek tints, or narrowing down an eye cream. I will also share my personal experience with cosmetic surgery, lasers, and injectables. Hold onto your hats and happy reading :

One thought on “Beautydetailed’s Purpose

  1. Hey Britt! I am SO excited that you started this blog. I can’t wait to follow along and find some awesome new products and make up with your suggestions! Best of luck to you in your new adventure!


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